Your designer handbag had the look, quality, and features you wanted and needed when you purchased it, but sadly it is starting to show some wear. Given the investment, the last thing you should do is attempt to freshen it up at home or take it to a business that doesn't specialize handbag cleaning and repairs.
Protect your investments in fine quality leathers and suede with our professional cleaning services. From cleaning to dye and finish restoration to repairs of rips, tears and replacement of linings, we can help you care for and extend the life of your leathers and suede.
Whether your leather or suede clothing needs cleaning, repairing, restoration, dying or conditioning, we have the experience and equipment necessary for getting these garments back into top condition.
Additionally, if your leather or suede jackets, coats, pants or other similar clothing is in need of Leather Repair, cleaning or conditioning, bring it into one of our locations today.
Peerless Cleaners your number one source for Leather Cleaning Services and Handbag Purses Cleaning in Reno.